Sarcina si problemele ei ( part I )

Aproape toate femeile trec prin stari de discomfort provocate de sarcina.
De multe ori auzim pe linga noi: "ai greturi, faci o fata!", "daca esti inca slabuta si si nu te-ai umflat deloc faci un baiat!" si cite astfel de minuni. Nici una nu are vreo legatura cu ce va fi, dar de cele mai multe ori, sarcina se va face mai mult sau mai putin simtita.

Indiferent de problemele enumerate mai jos, aminteste-ti mereu ca fiecare sarcina si fiecare femeie este diferita de celelalte. Poate vei trece prin toate aceste stari de discomfort, sau prin niciuna, sau poate altele ,mai rar intilnite, vor apare in cazul tau. Important este sa-ti pastrezi increderea in tine si sa-ti alegi un medic (moasa) cu care sa discuti "deschis" tot ceea ce te framinta. ....continuare

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10 tips to help your baby sleep through the night

Nighttime waking is one of the most common dilemmas for new parents. Here are a few simple tips you may want to try to get a bit more uninterrupted sleep:

1. Keep to a routine. If your baby wakes up late in the morning to help make up for some of his late nights, begin waking him at an earlier time each day to help encourage him to get the sleep he needs at night -- when the rest of the household sleeps.

2. Choose a well-lit area for your baby's naps. This will help encourage shorter naps, which in turn may help your little one sleep better at night.

3. Increase daytime feeds. Feeding your baby more often during the day will allow him to meet his nutritional needs at a time more convenient to you.

4. Feed your baby in a quiet, darkened room occasionally if your baby is easily distracted during the day.

5. If breastfeeding, allow your baby to finish the first breast offered. This will provide him or her with more of your rich hindmilk, which may also help to space out his nighttime feeds.